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I have invested the last over 23 years of my life in an industry where I have learnt much about money and its management. These years have helped me garner some decent knowledge & experience owing to having been in senior positions in various Indian and global Asset Managers along with a brief stint in Insurance.

After all these years of interaction with people from various walks of life, I have concluded that most people have struggled to make the right financial decision when it came to investing their hard-earned money and that was merely because they didn’t have that ‘one’ reliable investment consultant. People also they gave in to all the noise around them and at times made some not-so-favorable investing choices.

With all my learnings and experience, along with the confidence and encouragement I received from my near and dear ones, I said ‘Thank You’ to the over 23 years long Corporate Life only to venture on my own by taking a leap of faith to do what I have always wanted to do – help people around me achieve their financial goals and create wealth. In pursuit of Financial Freedom with a focus on having the best-in-class client experience.

My certification (Qualified Personal Finance Professional, 2022) also helped me look at things from the right perspective.

Investment Philosophy

To provide you with a simple plan to achieve your financial goals and wealth creation by offering you long-term stable investment strategies which are value protective, yet growth-oriented in nature. We endeavor to treat the monies entrusted to me by you with the same care and level of commitment that I would apply to my own personal investments.


To build a brand that is respected for “doing what is right for the client”. To be a partner in my clients’ wealth creation and life planning journey. To maintain relationships over the long term with the highest standards of trust, integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality in my dealings.


Every client achieves his/her financial goals by investing in the right products and portfolios which are based on their requirements. To build lasting relationships with our clients by providing them with customized risk and wealth management solutions that suit their changing needs.

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